The Final Quiz

For the final assessment of the online course, we'll be simulating the Final Exam that we give to our students at Stony Brook. In it, students are required to deconstruct multiple news stories. In our case, we're going to give you one video to deconstruct. To keep things fair, you'll be prompted to enter your answer as a quiz answer, and it will not be seen by other students.

You will then be prompted to provide us with another deconstructed video along with an "answer key" in the forums as your final assignment for this, the final unit of the News Literacy Online Course. We will provide you with a key to use as a model for your own deconstruction video. 

As always, feel free to refer back to previous lessons for specific wording and definitions of anything you can't remember. Use these links to get back to the appropriate unit:

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3


Now, onward!